View Profile Ethalyn

881 Audio Reviews

563 w/ Responses

Great =]

Heya man great song! original and really really cool! I liked the claps, and all in all it sounded great! Dont see anything wrong at all :D

Current Score
3.58 / 5.00 (+ 0.23)


Great song, original!

Thank you for your time.

-[ BeatSource ]-

*Glad you liked my song to man, feel free to leave me a vote and a review soon man =] This was great!*

Dj-Rippa responds:

No.. thank you for your time actually.
Im grateful to hear words like that from an artist in which I also enjoy!
I will definitely examine your page regularly for new submissions!

Hey man, nice song =]

Dude, love the song. Great choice of notes and i really like the overall progression and the choice of various instruments which actually sounded purdy damn good! =D

Nice intro, i like how it progresses as said, and i really like the melody/notesetting in this song, i fav'd it and downloaded it much for that reason, as i think that this song is both incredibly well made and VERY original!

Current Score
4.46 / 5.00 (+ 0.025)


Great song, both original and incredibly good!

Thank you for your time.

-[ BeatSource ]-

AAAAAAAAW digg sang! =D

Den sangen her er såååå bra!

Digger den! HAR REVIEWA DEN 2352352352 ganger! xD LOL SKJER MED 235235 VERSJONER! XD???

Nice sang, digger den, fav!

Current Score
4.38 / 5.00 (+ 0.081)


Thank you for your time.

-[ BeatSource ]-

Psycedelic responds:

ZOMG! Auhtoren av Rave Heaven_REMIX reviewer meg!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Takk skal du ha!! LOTSA LOVE!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
.. I mean in a friendly way, not a gay.. way.. ehehehe.. <:D


Hah, love it! =D

Awesome new song man, really cool feel and the melody is really cool!

Cool intro, love the all synth and then when you add the hihat line and drums it gets some more energy, really cool =]

You add another melody, wich is like REALLY catchy =D

Current Score
3.98 / 5.00 (+ 0.29)


Awesome new song man!

Thank you for your time.

-[ BeatSource ]-

vampiricLLAMA responds:

thanks for the review man, always appreciated ^ ^

Could be REALLY cool! =D

Heya love the new upload, cool beat, nice loop =]

Id be happy to see a full version of it, i think it wouldve been a really cool club beat like thingy, awesome =]

Current Score
2.86 / 5.00 (+ 0.40)


Nice loop, make a full man! =D

Thank you for your time.

-[ BeatSource ]-

I lke the style, original melodies =]

Whoah, i like it ALLOT! Original, and great sounding, you pulled the overall construction off, the only thing is that it is a little bit short. So i am really going to count this as a preview, and DEMAND you make a longer version! =D

Awesome start, i do the same thing often, start it off with an FX and a snare roll or something, it sounds great and cool, i liked it ^_^ Awesome job on the melody, not the same old boring Newgrounds pattern you hear every single day, but an original notesetting and a choice of rythm for the melody, and also for the drums, nice hihat, simple but works ;-) The sound for the hihat also was cool, but could maybe be a tad bit lower, and maybe compress it just a liiiiiiittle bit! =D

Cool synth sound, love it, wanna marry it!

Current Score
4.24 / 5.00 (+ 0.25)


I WILL DEMAND A LONGER VERSION! =D Awesome song man, good job!

Thank you for your time.

-[ BeatSource ]-

FunkmasterCatking responds:

Wow, thanks for the awesome review!

... Oh yeah, and about making it longer...

I'm currently using the demo version of FL studio, so I couldn't actually save this song. It's starting to get pretty frustrating, because I would've loved to make this song much longer. I know I'm going to get the full version eventually, I just can't afford it at the moment... D:


Whoah, love it!

DUDE! i so love this song, tight and original beat, love all the newthinking sounds, and great construction =]

A great hip hop song! a little rapping over here would be awesome, this could be sold to some pro's, you should definatly give it a go man! =D

Nice sounds as said, they are all part of a great song picture, i picture some weird shit to this! liek im in the jungle while im on a shroom trip or somethin! YEAH!

Current Score
4.57 / 5.00 (+ 0.12)


Thank you for your time.

-[ BeatSource ]-

DatBoiNC responds:

Haha thanks man, maybe me 'n' SinZ gonna rap , lol



dude this was awesome, i left you a comment on myspace for this i think, its really good =]

I love the vocals!

Current Score
4.37 / 5.00 (+ 0.072)


Thank you for your time.

-[ BeatSource ]-

ElectricalBypass responds:


Hmmm, a little messy and lacking some structure =/

Well the song was good, and was greatly mastered, but yes the club intro was a bit messy and was lacking some ''point'' if you know what i mean =P

So like the club intro, good of you to put it in though, experimenting is always a good thing, but the rythm was way to complex, like i got the kick-bass thing, but ontop of that there was like 3-4 different crash/ride/cowbell rythms, and ontop of that i think the transitions were really lazy, like sloppy (sorry if mispell) It sounds as if, yes, you just put the part into the song =P And i think that maybe the bass was a bit loud for that first part, very dominating.

But i quickly get over that part, and when you bring in the good old Env breakbeat thingy i like it, good idea to put the countdown in there, and in this part, EVERYTHING sounds more planned, the transitions are awesome, and the melodies/rythms clashes nicely into eachother, creating a nice overall picture, instead of just adding a rythm ontop of the other.

You carry it all nicely on, with great melodies and even greater rythms/transitions!

I would also like to add that it is maybe a bit short, i think that every song should be atleast over 03:00 minutes, especially when there is a club beat in there! =O Like, in the end you could've brought it back to that, and made much more out of it, but, newgrounds dont like strecthing things out to much, maybe that is why? atleast that is the reason i dont wanna cross 04:00 minutes in most of my newer songs =P

Great synth sounds, incredibly phat and nice sounding, together with the bass (after the club intro) they form a NICE song!

Current Score
4.64 / 5.00 (+ 0.0065)


Nice song, finally a new full song by you! Nice work exept for maybe that the club intro was a bit ''thrown in there'', and sounds very sloppy and lacked a sense of point.

Thank you for your time.

-[ BeatSource ]-

This, im afraid was horrible, and full or presets.

I am sorry, this did NOT do as a song, and a trance song!? I am sorry man, this sounded like vomiting, and was a mess!

Ok, so the intro was an FL PRESET FX! And the melody following that, AN FL PRESET!!!!

You did not make much of it, exept for the random pattern/rythm? of crashes...

A good idea, make your own melody, make your own sounds, and make sure that your sound is not consisting of presets that 9/10 have heard before...

Also putting some work, and making sure the song has an easy pattern to follow...

Current Score
3.05 / 5.00 (- 0.041)


Hm, a poor rythm, not your melody, and basicly a very poor and lacking song...

Thank you for your time.

-[ BeatSource ]-

Fredgy responds:

ye we know you are jealous.. your 3th song never ended in the top 5 of the week. Please next time don't review then..
i did do much on the song, i did everything first, i made a full song with everything, and afterwards i putted the presets in it, just for 2th tune, not because you can't make it already from 3th song of you that you can just give 0.. most people believed in me.. the song is good for 3th song, i don't think it is really good, just good for 3th song.. most people believed in me bcause it was just my 3th song and saw a good future in me..
Don't think you are everything bcause you are making music already so long..
you started also with no experience..


BeatSource @Ethalyn

Age 32, Male

Joined on 5/15/08

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