View Profile Ethalyn

881 Audio Reviews

563 w/ Responses

Great start man, and really just a great song!

wow great song man, very uplifting and very good sounds/construction!

I loved the intro where you really managed to impress me, great synths and great drums through the whole thing!

Good transitions, and you never lost ANY energy! all the breakdowns had atleast some kind of thing keeping the pace!

Current Score
4.29 / 5.00 (+ 0.078)




XenoxX responds:

YAY!!! Thanks a lot!!!! I love having high Energy!!!!!!

I just....i love it...

I mean the intro, with the incredibly nice melody on that guitar like instrument was great, the bells in the back made it great, and this song in general is so good!

As said i love the intro, it was not the same note setting as way to many tend to use here on newgrounds, it sounded one hundred times better than any noteline i have ever heard! This really inspired me to do my next song!

The background gated instruments (i do not know if they are though) but they did make as a good pace keeper, they cheered the song just a bit more up, and they stood alongside the bells really nicely!

Nice going on the construction, never really lost ANY energy, and all the transitions/build-ups were original, and worked as hell, i honestly nodded my way through this entire song! (i looped it three times now, still can not stop!)

Current Score
5.00 / 5.00 (- 0.0000010)


I barely helped!
I had to favorite this one!
So cheerfull, so original, i loved it!

Keep it going dude!


F-777 responds:

Wow thanks so much for the long awesome review! I am so happy you liked it =D!

DET SUGER SÅ JÆVLI BALLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

skremte one line commenten deg? XD haha

Dude, like synthsoundsa, og build-up'en er egentlig jævli fet, litt kule snare rolls, og jeg liker hvordan du adder en og en ting og får klimakse til å komme inn =]

Liker gitaren du tok med også! originalt og sinnsykt rått!

fet sang, fav!

jævli bra jobb =]

Current Score
4.51 / 5.00 (+ 0.19)



Keep it going dude!


Psycedelic responds:

Er sånn det skal gjøres vettu! :D

Tusen trilliarder krilliarder TAKK for en jævla bra respons, og for rating, og fav og, og og APPRECIATION! :D

Btw, kanke vente med å høre hva som kommer ut av prosjektet ditt! Du er jo faen meg Gud i forhold til meg xD

Guys, you better check out his music! HE FUCKING ROCKS!!!!!!
-Psyc ;)


aaaaaah i love it!

love the synth sounds, and awesome beat!



NX177 responds:

w00t w00t!

This is some movie shit!!!

God, the strings are just beautifull, this song is both inspiring, and makes you think...

Really great add with the strings in this one, it added an extra layer of feeling, and gave the song alot more feeling, and alot more depth to the overall picture really!

It starts very simple, and very basic with the low pitched strings, and the piano melody just have few notes. But after some while you add a second layer of strings, and that helps raising the song, and as you add more and more high pitched piano melody, it becomes more and more beautifull, and just makes you want more and more of it, i will fav this, and i will download it, you are great!

Current Score
4.28 / 5.00 (+ 0.0096)



Keep it going dude!


BlazingDragon responds:

The piano part by itself is extremely simply, so I wanted to add a bit more substance with the strings. I thought that the openness of the simple strings and high piano added to the emotion.

Thank you for the wonderful review! :D

wow, again a brilliant piece!

I see in your reply to my former review, that this is a software piano, and that you use FL (so do i!) Great job on making it sound great, and i also want to tell you, if you want some help getting the full version of FL Studio 8 XXL Producers Edition, please contact me, and i will help you =]

The beginning i actually picture lots of people rising after this huge storm, and just looking around at the destruction around them, and as you add more, they start to walk around and start working on building things up, then when you break it down to that intro melody (ish) thing again, they look at their city, rebuilt back to it's former glory =]

It is very easy to form a picture in my head to almost all of your songs i've heard so far, they are very touching in so many ways, you have so much talent =]

The melody is very good, the notes in this one also go in harmony with alteast my ears, and i have not heard anything like this on newgrounds before, it really is impressing =]

Current Score
4.30 / 5.00 (+ 0.011)


I love it =]

Keep it going dude!


BlazingDragon responds:

I could really use help in getting the real deal, but only if it is legal. :P

I like the story you wrote for the song. It is a very unique interpretation! I couldn't really come up with anything myself as I listened...Maybe my imagination is broken. >_>
Anyway, that was a nice image that you provided.

There are some other great artists in the classical section. Winterwind-NS, SmartPoetic, joshhunsaker, and Simon-F are pretty much amazing. I would highly recommend their music.

Thank you for the review,

wow o_O

Wow man this was awesome, the beginning vocals gave me great expectations, which you managed to deliver, the hihat line is awesome, and the kick is REALLY trance! =D

Nice going with the vocals, i have to say. it is a nice to mix it up with some dramatic vocal from time to time, as Skymarshall and lots of others skilled artists do, your starting to become one of my top artists here on newgrounds man, you have your own style!

The melody that entered around 01:30 really was awesome! i love the fake stutter feel you give me, like you put some triple notes here and there (w/e you know what i mean =P) And i gotta love the fast automations!

After this you bring back the vocals, only with a kick, which was a great idea, it therefor manages to keep the pace up, and does not loose any of it's energy, nice =]
The second melody there, DAMN! i fuckin love the synth sound, and i fuckin love the melody right there =)
The bass is also good, although it is ''BUMOOHBUMOOH'' BASS! XD

Nice going on the construction, and you nail your transitions now, interesting, and works!

Current Score
3.59 / 5.00 (+ 0.54)


I added it to fav's as well =]

Infected Mushroom level man, great! =D

Keep it going dude!


vampiricLLAMA responds:

Awesome, glad you like it man! All the parts you liked are the ones that took me the longest (omg that voice sample has more filters on it than a hospital air conditioning system XD) so it's a good thing you noticed em ^ ^. Thanks for the review! (btw i made that lead in 3xOsc :P)


Wow, this was very good! =]

I just can not stop thinking about how well composed this piece really is, the melody just pliiiinngs so well and is so in harmony with my ears =]

I love the piano sound (i suppose that this is the real thing, or is it computer piano?) nontheless it sounds great, and has alot of room to breathe, it is neither to closed or to open soundwise, it is great =]

also the length is good, a short little tune (great tune!) that is a easy listen, and really loops well, nice background music just for chilling or doing some homework, or just thinking about things that is to come, and ofcourse memories, both beautiful and bad =]

This so reminded me of the times i had as a 11-12 year old, just having fun with my buddies, playing around and having some fun =) it is a pitty that two of them has moved away, and i am to move away in a year or two as well, so this song is a nice reminder of some memories that i can not afford to forget, thank you for uploading this beautiful piece, i will favorite it, and download it =]

And dude, if you composed this as a 6th grader, you must be some kind of genius, please come check some of my newer songs and give me some melodies (construction) pointers, i could really use some good ones =]

Thank you for your time.

Current Score
4.47 / 5.00 (+ 0.21)

Incredible man, just incredible.

Keep it going dude!


BlazingDragon responds:

Great review! I really appreciate when people take the time to listen and leave a well written comment.

The piano you hear was actually software. It is a very nice Direct Wave sample that I found on Blackhole12's profile and use often. After that, it was simply a matter of tweaking tempo, dynamics, and reverb in my demo of FL Studio.

I wrote this when I was about 12 and had just moved half way across the country. It was a very difficult time for me because I had left all of my friends and family behind. Many of my siblings lived hundreds of miles away, and we were quite close. At that point in time, music was my escape. All of that pent up emotion and turmoil was poured out into song. I believe that to be the reason this song is just as good as my more recent work; I poured my heart out. I was always remembering the good times before I moved, and that saddened me because they were gone. Yet I also had hope for a brighter tomorrow.

That...is what this song represents. Remembering the good times when life gets bad, and holding a hope for better days.

I'll definitely check out your music! It is outside of my genre, but I will do what I can to leave a decent review.

Thank you very much.

Sorry mate, but this lacks power and originality!

Sorry man, but this remix sticks to the original just a little to much, you added a second melody, which is why i gave you a 6/10, that was a good thing, but this lacks the power and the basic originality to be a good remix =/

Ok so the kick and the bass are way to low, thats my first notice, their hidden in the back and dont really add ANYTHING to the song. A good idea is to add some EQ and reeverb, and a ride to boost the sound a bit =]

Same with the bass, not add a ride and stuff, but just add some EQ, and make it sound more like a bass, it basicly sounds like you used a lead sound for the bass, and lowered it almost all the way down, not very cool =/

But what this song lacks the most, is a lead that carries the song, i know you went for the funny tweaky sounding that basshunter had, but this is a TRANCE version, not a hard dance/techno like basshunters original version, so you would need a bigger leed, and i suggest one that is not tweaking all that much =] not for the second melody either, a clean high pitched saw, with a powerfull sound is just what this song needs! =D

and the vocals saying ''BASS!'' would work if the song actually had some bass, but again, it lacks it =P

Current Score
4.40 / 5.00 (- 0.059)


Keep it going dude!


BeatSource @Ethalyn

Age 32, Male

Joined on 5/15/08

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