Dance to this, i dare you!
Ok i guess i can be constructive as well! :)
Please, get a hang of how beautifull and simple 4x4 can be, this is just, mess. I dont know if your trying to be "superdeep" and make the song "mad" because its called "Mental Madness", but whatever, just clean it up. Make sure people can actually listen without actually turning mad, and that people maybe can dance to it, because thats the main point of electronic music, and any kind of music really (almost).
Uhm, try to be original, and try to work on actually structuring your song to a proper song.
Mastering: Do it... please. Dont throw 500 compressors and call it a job. EQ every instrument to perfection, and make sure no frequencies interract in a bad way with any other instruments. Then throw one compressor above the whole thing to make it louder, that makes it all crisp, loud and clear! :)
So yeah, 2/10... because this really is madness... i repeat: Dance to this... I DARE YOU!