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very nice

This is a very nice song, everything meshes nicely together and the tune is awesome:) great job^^

keep it up!:D


QuirkyIV responds:

Thanks man
For BOTH reviews

I would upload more
but iv'e uploaded 2 pieces already for today
so check back in like 1 or 2 days

checked out 1,2 and...

wow, amazing, this is so beautifull, added to favorites for calming me down:) nice job with the melody and everything:) pure and awesome music=)


Xyirx responds:

I'm glad you find it fascinating to listen to. Thanks for your compliment. :D


cool song, but i dont like those looping effects, but your drums sounds so awesome (how do u make em sound like that?) very nice job, but i just dont like looping sequencing effects:P


BowserThedestructive responds:

well song isnt something i made its a mix of the song using MIDI of the song also VG all i do is VG music :D the looping effects arent really effects i didnt know has much has i do now then then. i know more now then when this fwas made.the drums are awesome because there Sf2 files presampled set kit of drums i dont ever make my owns drums or =they phailish Suck so the ones i find on the net work like for my orchestrals i use diff ones "brush,jazz,orch,diff jazz"


haha this is awesome! love the kinda simple thing over it, i love the choir (is it real o_0) very nice, it was very enjoyable and very calming and soooooooothing, especially if you like video games, which i do, very nice song, loved all about it:) keep it up dude!^^

btw i have a new preview out now + some recently added songs, maybe you could come by and check them out:)?

again, good job on this one, definatly your best so far!


BowserThedestructive responds:

Thanks :D ill check yours out :D but yes the choirs are real to a certain point there sampled from a real choir to me the funny part of the choir i got it sounds like it saying" blah blah blar blah blar ba blar" lolz LOLZ LOLX But ya there choirs are Cliretectly Real. there not a vox or synth I only use true orchestral instruments to give VG songs the realistic of Pro sounding orchestral performing the song Live.
if i had East west costs 500+$ and is 32GB that i would use to make Some mixes that would blow Ur minds..If only i could get it -.- but im stuck with what i got so i am ok :D cus what i got is still just has good :D

out of rythm

everything was very out of rythm, now jazz or not, things oughta be in rythm, try to work on that, and try to do some mastering, to smoothen everything out:) but it COULD be an awesome song, just please remember the rythm:)


MegaMac responds:

It pretty much is in rhythm, aside from a few spots. Now the description clearly states all of what this song is about. I quote: "I basically had to play each track one at a time and keep the timing, or to the best of my ability, in my mental metronome." So considering that, I think I did pretty good with what I have. Did you even hear the whole thing? The off-beat is also important, especially for the piano parts at the end. It keeps its beat, "Beating Source". A beat is only as good as it is felt for the song in question. I felt it flow right on, mhmm.

cool, and it is dance i guess:P

very cool song:) like the notes and the happy feeling over it, i saw in comment that it was demo so im guessing you havent dl'd some sample kits or vst plugins yet, just go to pirate bay and search for vengeance stuff, lots of cool song:) btw loved the end vocal^^

btw i have a new preview out now (very rough!) + some recently added songs, maybe you could come and check them out:)?


CyberPot responds:

Sure, i love ur songs, and thx for ur comment :)

presets : /

presets i think is not that cool, i think what you start with is something called Euro-something:P but the tune is really cool, so 7/10 and 4/5 for that:D if you would spend more time on it, this would definatly be a 10/10! :) keep it up:)


Warchamp7 responds:

Yes, I did use a preset for this, but in the first version which I lost I had tinkered with so much it sounded COMPLETELY different.

As I said in the Author Comments, this song sounded great till I lost it all, then I just attempted to recreate it as best as possible. Except for that main track you mentioned cause I really didn't wanna go through all the trouble I had spent on it the first time.

i can picture it!

haha this would fit perfectly in a supersecret agent flash movie of some kind, really great tune and drums! good work on this one:) keep it up!:D wanna hear more^^


heartless1298 responds:

haha thats exactly why i named it that way lol

beats timbaland

i have to say, rap beats are so easy to make! i make trance but before that i made couple hiphop beats, and this one and some of mine are better than timbalands xD great tune:) i like your idea:) plz make this a whole sone!

and tell me when you release it!

(btw i also have a preview out now + some recently added songs, maybe you could come by and check em out :) )


heartless1298 responds:

thanks man, yea ill deffinately do dat.


This was pretty cool, but not that much work put into this, you just kinda played the guitar and added some effects, but it is a demo and i definatly like your idea^^ keep it up and tell me when full version comes out:)


Southern-Weather responds:

Yeah man, like I said, I got really bored. I'm definitely going to add more stuff later, and I'll let you know when I finish it.

BeatSource @Ethalyn

Age 32, Male

Joined on 5/15/08

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